Gem/ Mineral/ Rock Clubs : Colorado

Canon City Geology Club

Meets 2nd Monday of each month 6:00

Address: 9th and Main St

Fellowship Hall of the Methodist Church

Canon City, CO -


Colorado Mineral Society

Meets 1st Friday of the month

Address: 9200 W 10th Ave

St Paul's Episcopal Church

Lakewood, CO 80215


Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society

Meets 3rd Thursday of the month

Address: 2927 W Pikes Peak Ave

Pikes Peak Methodist Church

Colorado Springs, CO


Columbine Gem & Mineral Society

Meets 2nd Thursday of each month

Contact us for meeting location

-, CO


Denver Gem and Mineral Guild

Meets 2nd Friday of each month

Address: 1516 Illinois St

Berthoud Hall - Room 108

Golden, CO 80401


Flatirons Mineral Club

Meets 2nd Thursday of each month

Address: 350 Ponca Pl

Frasier Meadows

Boulder, CO 80303


Fort Collins Rockhounds Club

Meets 3rd Monday of the month

Address: 400 E Boardwalk Dr

Harmony Presbyterian Church

Fort Collins, CO 80525


Four Corners Gem & Mineral Club

Meets 1st Monday of the month

Address: 2351 N Main

Four Corners Gem & Mineral Club

Durango, CO 81302


Friends of Mineralogy - Colorado

Address: 1516 Illinois St

Colorado School of Mines Campus School of Mines Berthoud Hall Room 109 

Golden, CO


Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club

Address: 2328 Monument Road


Grand Junction, CO


Lake George Gem & Mineral Club

Meets 2nd Saturday of the month

Address: PO Box 171

Lake George Community Center

Lake George, CO


Littleton Gem and Mineral Club

Meets 3rd Friday of the month

Address: 7531 S Kendall Blvd

St Philip Lutheran Church

Littleton, CO 80128


Mile Hi Rock & Mineral Society (RAMS)

Meets 2nd Friday of the Month

Address: 6842 Wadsworth Blvd

North Jeffco Senior Center

Arvada, CO


North Jeffco Gem & Mineral Club

Meets 2nd Friday of each month

Address: 6842 N Wadsworth Blvd

North Jeffco Community Recreation Center

Arvada, CO 80003


Pueblo Rockhounds

Meets 3rd Thursday of the month

Address: 10 University Cr

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Pueblo, CO


Western Interior Paleontological Society

Meets 1st Monday of the month Sept - May

Address: 924 16th St

Green Center, CO School of Mines

Golden, CO