About Sunstone

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Keep reading to discover more about sunstone

  • Mineralogy and geology*
  • Metaphysical, Spiritual and Healing** Properties***
  • Common Associations

Mineralogy and Geology of Sunstone

Sunstone is a variety of feldspar (microcline, oligoclase, or labradorite) that has schiller (a shimmery effect), commonly with an orange/brown background color, due to exsolved, oriented small hematite crystals that give its characteristic sparkle / flash.

Oregon sunstone is a labradorite that contains copper crystals instead of hematite.

Click HERE for more information about microcline

Click here for more information about labradorite


Spiritual, Metaphysical and Healing Properties

Sunstone is a cheerful stone that helps to clear, energize and brighten the chakras. It can help to dissipate stress and fear, and to increase vitality.

Common Associations

  • Chakra – sacral / solar plexus
  • Numerology - vibrates to the number 1
  • Planets – the Sun
  • Birthstone – none traditional
  • Wedding Anniversary – none traditional