About Rutile
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Keep reading to discover more about Rutile
- Mineralogy and geology*
- Metaphysical, Spiritual and Healing** Properties***
- Common Associations
Mineralogy and Geology of Rutile
Magnetite (also called lodestone), is an important iron ore, and also very useful in studies of paleomagnetism.
Composition: TiO2
Crystal system: Tetragonal
Crystal habit: Commonly prismatic, often slender to acicular. The prism zone is often vertically striated or furrowed. Can be granular massive.
Cleavage: Distinct/good {110}, {100}
Fracture: Irregular/uneven, conchoidal
Color: Greyish black, pale brown, or light yellow
Luster: Adamantine, metallic
Diaphaneity: Transparent
Moh’s scale hardness: 6 - 6 ½
Streak: Black
Specific gravity: 4.23
Named after: from the Latin rutilus, meaning "reddish." The mineral was already known under other names, such as "red schorl" and some other names, some of them later recognized as synonyms or varieties.
Type locality: Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Community of Madrid, Spain
Geological occurrence: Rutile is an accessory mineral in high-pressure, high-temperature igneous rocks; it also occurs in placers.
Spiritual, Metaphysical and Healing Properties
Golden rutile occurring in quartz crystals has been beloved of the metaphysical community for decades. This form is said to bring strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all areas of development, and calm, reason and order.
Rutile assists with stabilizing emotional and mental conditions, including relationship. It is protective in that it is said to repel negative energy, and unwanted interference.
Common Associations
- Chakras – root, sacral and solar plexus, depending on color
- Numerology – vibrates to the number 4
- Zodiac – Gemini, Taurus
- Birthstone – rutilated quartz has been suggested as an alternate birthstone for April
- Wedding Anniversary – no traditional association
* Mineralogical information is from mindat.org
** Always consult with your medical professional for any physical or long-term healing issues.
*** Metaphysical properties come from:
Love Is in the Earth (1995) Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 726 pp.
The Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals (2003) Judy Hall, Walking Stick Press, 399 pp.
Crystal Muse (2017) Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro, Hay House, 285 pp.
Crystal Gridwork (2018) Kiera Fogg, Weiser Books, 128 pp.