About Aquamarine
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Keep reading to discover more about aquamarine:
- Mineralogy and Geology*
- Metaphysical, Spiritual and Healing** Properties***
- Common Associations
Aquamarine – one of the birthstones whose name conjures up a color, light greenish-blue, the color of ocean water with the sun on it – hence, aqua marina, Latin for water of the sea. Aquamarine is the traditional birthstone associated with March and the gemstone of the 19th wedding anniversary.
It is a kind of beryl, a group of minerals that includes emerald (deep green), morganite (pale pink) and heliodor (golden yellow).
Mineralogical Properties*
- Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18
- Classification: cyclosilicate (6 membered ring)
- Member of the Beryl Group
- Crystal system: hexagonal
- Color: sky-blue to sea-green
- Streak: colorless (harder than streak plate)
- Luster: Vitreous, Sub-Vitreous, Waxy, Greasy
- Diaphaneity: translucent to transparent
- Habit: acicular, prismatic, tabular
- Cleavage: none
- Fracture: conchoidal
- Mohs scale hardness: 7.5 - 8
- Specific gravity: 2.63 – 2.92
The blue coloration is attributed to iron ions within the crystal lattice. The presence of both Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ ions appear to be required for the blue color. Since the deeper blue shades of aquamarine are more valued, many gemstones have been heat-treated to reduce the green shades. The color of heat-treated aquamarines may fade when exposed to sunlight. Most gem-quality aquamarine crystals formed in cavities in their host pegmatite material, often associated with muscovite and feldspar.
Aquamarine has been found on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, gem quality aquamarine has been collected from Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wyoming. Less valuable aquamarine is reported from many other states, including New Mexico.
New Mexico Beryl and Aquamarine
The mineral group beryl has widespread occurrence in New Mexico; it is reported from 11 counties, mostly occurring in pegmatites. Some of these occurrences include the blue variety of beryl, aquamarine. These occurrences are part of the Arizona-New Mexico “beryllium belt”, of note due to the strategic importance of beryllium mining.
- The largest gem-quality aquamarine crystal mined to date was found in Marambaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil in 1910 - weighing 110 kg (240 lbs), 48.5 cm (19 in) long and 42cm (17 in) in diameter.
- The largest cut aquamarine is the Dom Pedro aquamarine (also from Minas Gerais) weighing 10,363 carats (4.6 lbs) and is housed in the Smithsonian.
- The Roosevelt Aquamarine was given to Eleanor Rooselvelt in 1936 when they visited Brazil. At the time this 1298 carat stone was largest cut aquamarine known. It is housed in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
- For a fun article on six famous aquamarines, click HERE.
- Some of the British royals favor aquamarine – click HERE for a fun piece featuring Queen Elizabeth, Diana Princess of Wales, and the Duchess of Sussex (Meghan Markle).
Metaphysical, Spiritual and Healing** Properties***
Aquamarine, the color of still, shallow water on a sunny day, reflecting the color of a clear sky - this calmness, peace and gentle joy related to going with the flow of nature characterizes aquamarine’s energy.
The blue color of aquamarine relates it to the throat chakra, communication, and the respiratory system. Clear blue aquamarine supports clarity of thought with its balancing and harmonizing energies. In ancient times, aquamarine was reportedly carried by sailors to calm the waves. The harmonizing energies of aquamarine were thought to enhance the happiness of marriages. Melody*** calls aquamarine a “stone of courage,” encouraging the ability to always be prepared through one’s inner balance and calm.
Stones associated with water are also associated with release of thoughts or energies that obscure or block well-being, sort of like having a shower to remove dirt! Aquamarine is a gentle cleansing stones, especially helpful in releasing worry and stress and encouraging renewal and rebirth. Perhaps it’s because the color of aquamarine is so joyful, it brings a smile to the face!
According to Judy Hall (see below), aquamarine offers the power of hope.
Wearing Aquamarine
Aquamarine pendants, necklaces and dangle earrings bring its energy close to the throat area, enhancing energies associated with communicating and speaking with love.
Aquamarine makes a great stone for rings and bracelets since the stone is hard. Wearing it anywhere on your body, or carrying it in a pocket, will bring in whichever of its energies that support your needs.
Feng Shui and Aquamarine
Feng shui is the Chinese art of working with the energy of place.
The bright, spring skies color of aquamarine bring in the energy of the outdoors. Try placing aquamarine anywhere in the home or office for a gentle boost of spring-like energies of growth and renewal. Anything is possible with patience and love, being in the flow
For more focused feng shui intentions, placing aquamarine in the wealth corner of the house (far left corner with respect to the entrance) supports abundance of all types, including valuing yourself. Placing aquamarine in the love and relationship corner (far right corner with respect to the entrance) supports communication with love and clarity to keep relationships healthy.
Grids and Aquamarine
In her book Crystal Grids, author Kiera Fogg provides a grid for new beginnings, emphasizing the energies of courage, stability and protection. Aquamarine is placed as a “way stone”, transmitting energy between the focus and the desire. Aquamarine guides with the energies of courage, clarity and faith – Spirit always has your back! Aquamarine can also be used with the rituals and grids found in Crystal Muse as a stone of tranquility, peace and release.
Common Associations for Aquamarine
- Color - shades of light green, blue-green and blue
- Chakra - 5th (throat)
- Numerology - vibrates to the number 1
- Planet - Moon
- Zodiac - Aries, Gemini, Pisces
- Bagua Areas - Zhen (family, new beginnings), Xun (wealth)
- Birthstone - March
- Wedding Anniversary - 19th
* Mineralogical information is from mindat.org
** Always consult with your medical professional for any physical or long-term healing issues.
*** Metaphysical properties come from:
Love Is in the Earth (1995) Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 726 pp.
The Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals (2003) Judy Hall, Walking Stick Press, 399 pp.
Crystal Muse (2017) Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro, Hay House, 285 pp.
Crystal Gridwork (2018) Kiera Fogg, Weiser Books, 128 pp.