Pyrite "Sun" (Sparta, Illinois)

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SKU 999043

These spectacular disk-shaped concretions of pyrite have a radial pattern, hence the name pyrite "sun." They are from the Anna Shale of Pennsylvanian age (about 300 million years ago). This shale caps coal deposits of the Herrin Mine. The suns are taken out by the miners in their lunch pails. Most researchers agree that the radial shape is due to the pressure of overlying sediments restricting pyrite crystal growth in the vertical direction, although some persist in calling these fossils.

Click HERE for an article about these pyrite suns.

Small cabinet specimens: Please specify which one when ordering.

B:  about 3.1" x 2.8" x 0.2" at thickest part (80mm x 72mm x 4mm)

C:  about 3.1" x 3.3" x 0.4" at thickest part (80mm x 83mm x 10mm)

D:  about 3.5" x 3.3" x 0.2" at thickest part (90mm x 85mm x 6mm)